We respect Slovenian language, our writers and poets. Among Planica members we have 2 writers: poet and writer Ivan Lapuh with 2 works: Cvet ljubezni and Potok treh izvirov; and Katarina Vrisk, who prepared an Anthology of Slovenian Musicians in Australia, including  CDs.

The Slovenian Language school is active since 1974 and the library is attached to the school.

Slovenians enjoy plays in the Slovenian language and traditional Slovenian folkdancing

The Library has been opened since 1974 and holds Slovenian and English books, on loan to members and friends for reading and enjoyment. The library is opened when there is a Sunday lunch or on Fridays, when the clubrooms are opened.

Slovenian plays are very much enjoyed by the members, as are the folkdances, singing of Slovenian songs and listening of Slovenian tunes.

Annually the Australia Day (January 26th) is celebrated and the Slovenian Cultural Day (February 8th – the anniversary of death of Dr France Prešeren) with a short cultural program.

Lucija Srnec

Our cultural life is represented in the following groups:

1. NOVICE – Newsletter from Planica
2. Drama Group
3. Folkdancing groups
4. Library and Archive
5. Slovenian Language School
6. Music bands

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