SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION PLANICA, SPRINGVALEForty years ago a group of Slovenians had an unofficial meeting in the garage of Stan Lesnjak to discuss the wish to establish a Slovenianl club in the SE suburbs of Melbourne. The initial idea of this meeting became a reality in 1972. In 1974 the building committee was established. The barracks on the land were transformed into a kitchen and the Slovenian language school, where more than 70 students were enrolled. We came together as one big family. In year 1977 we participated at the Australia Day Festival in Dandenong. We participated with Slovenian music, folk dancing and traditional Slovenian foods and over time, have attained a great respect among the Australian audience and other participating nationalities. It was very busy in the working group: the children’s playground was built and the tennis courts were prepared for competitions. Other sports were introduced as well. The members of Planica club and their friends were bonding and formed great friendships many of which have held firm over the years. Enthusiastic working bee were held with much voluntary assistance. Established was the Drama Group The children of the Slovenian school have performed at many cultural programs and made the audiences happy. In 1977 there was publication in the periodical ‘Vestnik”, of the first article about the developments at Planica, under the title ‘Novice iz Planice”. The youth of Planica also participated, contributing articles, such as ‘We’re the Slovenian school children’. ‘Novice’ was published from 1977 to 1979. The main contributor and editor was the then teacher of Slovenian school, Mrs Lucija Srnec. In 1979 the club received a building permit and work started with the delivering of materials. Until 1981, all gatherings were in the sheds and dances took place in big tents. In 1982, the brick work started. In August of that year, our diligent bricklayers placed the last brick (150.000) of them. Following the building work, the bricklayers and other workers received honorary acknowledgements. The aim of the club was, and still is, the promotion of social and cultural life of the Slovenian members through friendly gatherings, cultural activities such as singing and drama and sports. Other achievements: Lucija Srnec Presidents and Committee members from 1972 to 2013MORE ON HISTORY OF PLANICAPlanica TIMELINERead MORE 1 Historical Events at Slovenian Association Planica |
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