Technical discipline and drawing talent is clearly the red creative thread of Ljubica Postružin. She, too, is slowly realising the dreams of her youth while testing the boundaries of her creativity. While her drawings attempt an exact depiction of her chosen motif, any deviations from management of technique are successfully replaced with the decorative drawing touches and composition.

Alenka Černelič Krošelj, Lecturer of Art History, Ethnologist and Cultural Anthropologist

LJUBICA was born in 1960, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
She completed the Secondary Technical School, Building Direction, in Ljubljana.
After working with architects and engineers for three years, she left for Australia to visit her sister. Here she met Darko who became her
husband and father to daughter Natalie.

Ljubica never studied art, which she loved from an early age, though her ability was recognised by teachers. She says that she has always loved to visit galleries where she marvels at the mastery and imagination of the works of numerous artists.
In Australia, in 1999, she was invited to illustrate Ivan Lapuh’s book Potok treh izvirov – The Brook of three Springs, which she completed in pencil and watercolour.

“I have been motivated by various artists of different ages and styles. I believe, that artistic creativity, be it painting or music, is food for the body and the soul.
My artwork has helped me recognise the immense and indescribable beauty of our profound personalities as well as that of our planet Earth, where we live and create.”


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